User-agent: * # general rules for robots of all search engines Disallow: /cgi-bin # service folder for storing server scripts Disallow: /? # all request parameters on the main Disallow: /wp- # all files WP: /wp-json/, /wp-includes, /wp-content/plugins Disallow: /wp/ # if there is a subdirectory / wp / where the CMS is installed (if not, # rule can be removed) Disallow: *?s= # site search Disallow: *&s= # site search Disallow: /search/ # site search Disallow: /author/ # author's archive Disallow: /users/ # user archive Disallow: */trackback # trackbacks, notifications in comments about a link to a web document Disallow: */feed # all feeds Disallow: */rss # rss feed Disallow: */embed # all embeddings Disallow: */wlwmanifest.xml # xml Windows Live Writer manifest file (if not using, # rule can be removed) Disallow: /xmlrpc.php # WordPress API file Disallow: *utm*= # utm Disallow: *openstat= # openstat tags Allow: */uploads # open the folder with files uploads Allow: /*/*.js # open js files Allow: /*/*.css # open css files Allow: /wp-*.png # allow indexing images Allow: /wp-*.jpg # allow indexing images Allow: /wp-*.jpeg # allow indexing images Allow: /wp-*.gif # allow indexing gifs Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php # allow ajax